Revenge of the Nerds

We’re all familiar with the archetype of the Sci-Fi Ultra-Geek. Lonesome. Overweight. Pungent. Never kissed a girl. In their 30s and living with their mothers. Bitter about George Lucas. Furiously tapping out hyper-critical blog comments against works they secretly wish they had done themselves.

We in Half Acre Day have officially entered this strange world, and from where we’re sitting, it’s everything it’s purported to be and more.

Last night, Viso Trailers – one of the most popular YouTube Channels out there – published two teasers for the upcoming no-budget sci-fi film/awesomefest Project London, both of which feature Half Acre Day tunes.

This little development put PL is the sandbox with the big kids. Within a few scant hours, each clip had more thousands of views, and the nerd comments were flying like +2 magic missiles.

Granted, the most popular sentiment was “WTF?” Close behind that was “ummmm.. WTF?” and “WTF is this?” These were clearly not posted by our lonely corpulent heroes – who are typically more gifted in the art of simile and metaphor – but is more likely the work of pubescent trolls clandestinely farting into their dad’s laptop after a good porn session.

No sir, you can tell who the real deals are, their posts blossoming as they do with pure vitriolic poetry . A small sampling below, [sic] throughout [and I couldn’t resist commenting in brackets.]:

“this is to sci fi movies what red alert 3 was to 21th century strategy games… for those who dont get the analogy red alert 3 looked worse than its predecessor which was done almost 10 years b4 it” [Thanks for the history lesson, but the real lesson here is to go outside more often.]

“looks like alonger episode of doctor who….basically some of the worst shit ever produced by man. not just tv or film. shit anything!” [Note the unrestrained bitterness and utter familiarity with something they ostensibly loathe. This guy has masturbation guilt written all over him.]

“All I saw was a homo, a bomb and some robots” [More masturbation guilt.]

“‘and we’ll all end up as ammonium chlorine’…basic chemistry fail.” [A jab at Yours Trulies’ intentionally obtuse lyrics. Ha on you, commentor, ’cause actually I got a D in basic chemistry. But only ’cause I was totally making out with my totally hot lab partner the whole time. And also your mom.]

“Teasers are less than 30 seconds………EPIC FAIL” [Oh my God, he’s right! There are RULES, man! Good art always follows the RULES! EPIC FAIL!]

And my favorite:

“This looks like one of those cocky little indie movies that thinks it can generate lots of hype with it’s off kilter style and become a big hit. Too bad I don’t give a shit. If you can’t come up with a coherent trailer that explains a story and just gives me sub-par special effects to the tune of shitty new age pop/rock bullshit, expect me to sneak into your movie at best, and only stick around for the half of it.” [Downs another handful of girl-repelling Corn Nuts.]

Now don’t get me wrong… truly, I kid. Science fiction is the bee’s knees, if you ask me; the iconography of the genre has a big pull on me as an artist and songwriter, which is probably part of the reason the filmmakers approached us in the first place. That and the fact that we, like them, are odd.

And more than anything, I’m jazzed to see so many adorable dorks incensed by 90 seconds of weirdly fascinating footage. Man, this is gonna be good.

See for yourself, and join the fun:

Project London Unleashed teaser on Viso Trailers.
Project London Multiply teaser on Viso Trailers.

Come see us in Georgetown, 4/02

Half Acre Day is playing at the Mix in Seattle Friday night, Apr. 2. The Mix – a funky lounge/art gallery/music venue in the equally funky Georgetown neighborhood.

You should totally come out, and not just to see us… seems like anyone who ever goes to the Mix L-O-V-E-S it and wants to marry it. Don’t take my word for it: Look what they’re saying about it. Look at the pictures, for crying out loud (reading is for nerds, Poindexter)!

We’re “headlining,” a nice-sounding way of saying “going on last.” But with only three bands, we’ll be taking the stage probably around 11. That’s not even lunchtime in some places.

Other reasons to come include:

  • The aptly named Mix is reputed amongst those in-the-know to have GREAT SOUND
  • The other bands have some of the awesomest names ever
  • Not saying who, but some people are starting to think maybe you’re no fun anymore
  • HAD is feeling extra feisty – things will happen
  • It’s Good Friday and baby Jesus would want you to drink wine (or bourbon, beer, vodka, etc.). It’s His way. You want to go to heaven, don’t you?

Half Arce Day
Missonary Position
Armed With Legs
21+ $5
Facebook Event Page

The Mix
6006 12th Ave S
(between Harney St & Vale St)
Seattle, WA 98108
(206) 767-0280

Multiply on iTunes

The wait is over. Multiply is now available for download on iTunes, Amazon and a host of other services, and it’s yours for a measly dollar. Go get it!

Plus, the newly-posted-on-youtube Project London teaser clip (which features the Project London Mix of Multiply) is heatin’ on up. 48 hours and 4.5K views, that ain’t too shabby. You should go see it before it hits a Mil.

If you haven’t already, you can listen to Multiply (and Skeletons, the first single) on Half Acre Day’s web site.

Project London movie teaser clip (featuring Multiply) released today!

We just saw the new Project London teaser. It is the stuff of Legend; dystopian future Seattle, aliens among us, and severe rocking courtesy of those scamps in Half Acre Day… in this case, the Project London mix of Multiply.

Now you can see it too (and you really should):

Here it is.

The amount of talent on display here is staggering. Hundreds of volunteers worldwide came together to make this movie happen, and this is just a tiny taste.

Man, I’m gonna go watch it again.

Multiply: The Lunar Singles Mix.

It’s out there. Right now. Listen to it. That’s okay, go ahead. We’ll wait.


All done? You love it? You wanna take it home and keep it forever? Good!

Okay, so the scoop on downloading…

This song will only be available on the soon-to-be-released Project London movie soundtrack. When we say soon, we mean this puppy ought to be on iTunes, Amazon MP3, Zune and all that good stuff, like, in the next ten minutes. Maybe fifteen. But trust us, the second it happens, we’ll let everyone in on it. We just couldn’t contain ourselves any longer.

Lunar Singles, Round 2

Chapter two of the monthly Lunar Singles, “Multiply,” hits radio and the internet March 15.

Multiply is a special kind of tune. While it’s been around for a while and has become a staple of our live sets, it’s never been released. The song was originally recorded six years ago during the sessions for the self-titled second record. There were three or four songs from those sessions that seemed to vibe differently from the rest. We promptly mixed them up real nice and then sat on them, waiting for the time to be right. That time is now.

Two mix versions of the song, the radio version and the Project London Mix, will be available exclusively on the Project London soundtrack.

Speaking of which, the Project London folks are about ready to release the 90-second teaser trailer for the upcoming film, featuring the aforementioned “Multiply.” Wait’ll you see it. More on that to come…

In the meantime, get caught up and listen to Skeletons. Or just download it already.

Pop Pop Pop

Much good news! Multiply, the second of the Lunar Singles, is in the can and ready to drop on the 15th of March. The Ides of March, no less… and trust us, this one’s ready to stab Caesar in the groin.

Meanwhile, Spiral Productions – our new BFFs and genius makers of the soon-to-be sci-fi film classic Project London, is finishing up a 90-second teaser for the movie set to Multiply’s head-bobbin’ strains.

In other news, Half Acre Day’s latest album, Fourteen Trips Around the Sun, has passed muster with the discerning musicologists at Pandora Radio and will soon be available there. Get ready to build that HAD station.

If you haven’t already, go now and listen to Skeletons, the first single we released on February 14. Ain’t never too late to fall in love.

HAD takes on Hollywood.

Exciting? Yes!

In our secret underground lair, the pungent aroma of decision-making wafts. The second single in the cycle has (pretty much) been agreed upon. If Dusty – who is currently wandering the wilderness – disagrees and does not have a really compelling reason for doing so, we will fall upon him and feast upon his innards.

We’re not naming names… not yet. You’ll just have to wait and see. March 15, baby. Beware the Ides and like that.

However, we will say that talks with our film phenom friends at Spiral Productions – makers of the upcoming independent sci-fi flick Project London – have revved up to, like, a hunn’rd. Producer Phil McCoy (who actually has the word “philm” IN HIS NAME), informed us that they are quickly closing in on the movie’s release.

We’ve been privileged to witness some eye-popping footage from the movie, set to the rocking strains of none other than Half Acre Day.

And we are officially stoked.

This is but a wee example, featuring the song Astronauts by Half Acre Day, (which are us… follow along).

A “no budget” sci-fi film made by raving genius madmen and madwomen from all corners of the globe, Project London, we firmly believe, has the potential to change the way movies are made, marketed and released.

And the soundtrack? Mmm Hm. It’ll be heavy on the Half Acre Day, including some brand new tunes you won’t find anywhere’s else.

This movie is gonna blow the doors off Hollywood’s machine. I mean, big fat Tinseltown producers will be weeping like kindergarteners. They’ll have little spots of pee adorning the fronts of their thousand-dollar pants. Because it’s our movie and they can’t have it.

More on that to come.